منتدى عشاق كوريا
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اذا كنت زائر فتفضل في التسجيل

واذا كنت عضو فتفضل في الدخول

مع الشكر ادارة عشاق كوريا
منتدى عشاق كوريا
اهلا وسهلا فيك في منتدى عشاق كوريا

اذا كنت زائر فتفضل في التسجيل

واذا كنت عضو فتفضل في الدخول

مع الشكر ادارة عشاق كوريا
منتدى عشاق كوريا
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

ملتقــى لمحبيــن كوريـــا والكـــي بــــوب  
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
قانون جديد للمنتدى "العضو صاحب المشاركات القليله يتم انذاره واذا لم يكثر من المشاركات سيتم طرده او اقصائه من علبه الدردشة" واتمنى من كل الاعضاء دعم هذا الاقتراح الرائع المدير ... Love Yoona
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS MWkW1
على كل الاعضاء تقليص عدد تواقيعهم الي ثلاث تواقيعك كحد اقصى ويرجى ان تكون التواقيع بحجم متوسط او صغير من اجل تحسين مظهر المواضيع
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS HeZe1
ممنوع منعا باتا وضع رابط  او اسم اي منتدى اخر في الرسائل او في علبه الدردشه او في موضوع واي شئ اخر وستكون العقوبه للمخافين الطرد فورا
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS HeZe1
ممنوع التكلم في الدين او السياسه او الاساءة الى احدى الديانات او الاساءه او جرح احد الاعضاء وستكون العقوبه هي معاقبة العضو لمدة اسبوع
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS HeZe1
ممنوع وضع اكثر من صورتين في تعليق العضو (ه) ويفضل ان تكون الصوره بحجم صغير وكذلك صور المغني والمغنيه المفضلين يجب ان تكون بحجم 300 - 150 بيسكل ولمن لا يعرف مراجعه الاداره او المصممين
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS HeZe1
يجب ان تكون الردود ذات صله بالموضوع وان تكون محور نقاش وممنوع وضع ردين متتاليين في نفس الموضوع وكذلك تكرار الرد مرتين
  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS HeZe1


  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
كوري جديد
كوري جديد

الفرقه الرجاليه المفضلة : ss501
الفرقه النسائيه المفضة : Fx
البلـــد : الجزائر
عدد المساهمات : 88
مقدار الون : 360
المغني المفضل : nichkhun 2pm
المغنيه المفضله : Yoona
تاريخ الميلاد : 05/06/1996
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/11/2012
العمر : 28
العمل/الترفيه : الدراسة
المزاج : مرحة طول الوقت
تعاليق : _ألإبتســــامــه جــواز آلسفـــر إلـــى آلقـلوب...

_ألإبتســــآمـــه لآ تكــلــفــك شيــئــآ و لــكــن تعــود عليــك بــآلخيــر آلكثـيـر ....

_ألإبتســــآمـــه لآ تستغــرق أكثــر مــن لمحــة بصــر و لكــن ذكــرآهــآ يبقــى طــويــلآ....

_مــن آلصعــب أن تبتســم فــي بيــت مــليئ بــآلــدمــوع و لــكــن إبتســامــة الأمــل أقــوى مــن جميــع العقبــات...

_ألإبتســــآمـــه أهـــانـــه للمصيـــبـــه.....

_جمـــال الـــوجـــه بـــ إبتســـــامتـــه آلبـــريئـــه...

_إبتســـــامـــه صـــادقـــه خيـــرآ مـــن ضحكـــة زآئفـــه....

_إن أجمـــل شيء فـ الــوجـــود
الإبتســـــامـــه آلتـــي تشـــق طـــريقــهـآ وســـط آلـــدمـــوع...

_إن مفتـــآح آلقـــلـــوب هـــي الإبتســـــآمـــه وســـلآح آلحيـــاة آلعقـــل...

_إلإبتســـــامـــه هـــي اللغـــة آلـــوحيـــده التـــي لآ تحتـــاج إلـــى تـــرجمـــه ....
فلنحافظ عليها

  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS     Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty3/5/2013, 11:37 pm

Yesterday many fans were waiting at the Twitter since there was a post saying Kim Hyun Joong shall be returning home to SKorea. Then late in the afternoon there was a post again saying Kim Hyun Joong was at the shooting location yesterday as filming proceeded from yesterday morning till at night. There may be changes in the schedule again so we can just wait for further update pertaining his schedule.

In this photo above Kim Hyun Joong seems to have seen something in a certain space in front of him that caught his attention. Guess what is it?? Insect!! Hyun Joong can not stand seeing a flying object roaming around him. The smallest specie ever created by God are insects, and what bothers Hyun Joong. During filming of City Conquest it was said that there was a scene of Hyun Joong walking at Edo, and an insect came upfront of him, and before the director can shout CUT he was already waving his hand trying to drive out the insect roaming in front of him!!

Yesterday seem to be in silent mode since there was not much updates, and I would admit it was a bit boring yesterday and the first time I felt it in months since Hyun Joong had been galloping from one activity to another! Or maybe I have gone used to reading a lot of his activities, yesterday was exceptional, Hyun Joong was in close door cooking on something to be surprise about the filming!! Maybe one of these days the production staff will again release some update photos about the filming.

And since there was not much at twitter, I went for a stroll at the internet! There was this news about City Conquest as I have shared with you at yesterday's article Explosive Star, some explosive stills from the location set. There was this blog where you can find many insects pestering Hyun Joong's news, but of course the Aliens came in to their defense. It somehow gave me the impression these are young Aliens and I can't help but laugh because the Aliens now are learning to defend in a positive approach that can somehow seem entertaining!! None of the Aliens ever badmouth which I'm very proud, that no matter how the other party breath on the dirtiest word you can read, the Alien recognize respect even to the insects!

May I just say, there may be truth to the saying, like idol like fans, although it doesn't always apply! We Alien represent Kim Hyun Joong so no matter what we project good or not good, it somehow reflect on Kim Hyun Joong. I feel sorry for that insect in defense of her idol which happens to be one of Hyun Joong's dearest friend. I think we have a better understanding in the Alien World that we not only respect Kim Hyun Joong, we also respect the people who are dearest to his heart his friends, his co-artists. I really felt sorry for the artist friend of Hyun Joong because I find him nice, soft-spoken and decent, to have an ill mannered fan.

Having a fan who can just scream such dirty words looks like a dirt on the artist's shoulder. Does the artist have a choice? No, he does not have a choice for having the kind of fans he has. Fans do have the choice whom she wants to follow or support but the artists has no choice, he would just take whoever is in front of him. I would say I'm so fortunate because my idol is a very respectable person and his fans to are respectable ladies.

One comment that I would like to point out is that, It was said that Kim Hyun Joong is over rated!! I wonder now, is telling the truth being overrated? The way we describe Kim Hyun Joong is what we see from him and so with the media too, whatever they see, whatever they hear from Hyun Joong are those that they write. Just the same with me here, I base my writings on realities about Kim Hyun Joong, from what I read, what I see! The media are just telling the truth about the news they write on Hyun Joong successful activities. I don't think it's overrated. Because what we read about recent news on Hyun Joong's concerts, promotions and the recent one his filming is what actually happening on those events.

Another thing that I couldn't understand is, if you do not like a person, why else would you read articles about the person, then criticize? In every news item, there's the article title and definitely the title may pertain to who and what. If you're not interested to the person being written of course you wouldn't even read. But Hyun Joong's loving critics do spare time to read and even comment!! This would mean they are interested in Hyun Joong too! In all fairness, Allkpop was just intending to write the news and allow the public to comment on the news. Well, other than this I'm familiar if the writer replies on the comments.

There's another blog that I would say where Kim Hyun Joong critics flock!! I came across those too since the article topic is City Conquest. There were about a hundred comments and most of which are negative. Again it surprises me that even the topic is about Hyun Joong's upcoming drama, BOF was in the comment boxes!! A lot of critics did watched BOF from beginning to ending. I felt a shame of myself because when I first watched this drama I wasn't able to finish it since I was traveling in and out of Japan that time, I was quite busy with my career during that year it was aired in my country. But the critics knew the drama from beginning to ending!!

Most of the comments have the same opinion as saying Kim Hyun Joong destroyed the drama!! LOL my apology I can't help but laugh. They could not forget BOF!! These loving critics are one of those who took BOF to high ratings and brought the drama to blockbuster!! They said Hyun Joong's acting was bad and stiff, but they watched Kim Hyun Joong and watched his every move from beginning to ending!! Why?? Oh this really made my day, may I say it again, why would you watch a drama if you are not interested or even hate the actor portraying in the drama!! Isn't that not strange at all?

My dear critics, if you do not like the actor do not ever ever watch his dramas because it will only put him in good ratings. And if you say you watch because you want to criticize, well it's not working effectively because no matter what you say, Hyun Joong fans will support all the way. And the more you criticize the more we love him the more we will protect him from you dear critics.

Other non-fans of Hyun Joong or may barely know about the guy may have read from the critics, may bring curiosity as to who the person is being criticized and may start looking him up at the internet or even watch his drama to find out if the criticism is true. It then increase the viewers of Hyun Joong's drama!! Wouldn't that be great? That's another TV ratings!!

Kim Hyun Joong has fans from different ages, from the minors even from the primary school students and the elders age 70. This is not an exaggeration because I do interact with the elder fans, I got a bunch of regular readers who are senior citizens. I have seen the clip of Hyun Joong's Saitama concert and at the encore part as Hyun Joong got down from the stage a lot of elders were spotted and don't be surprised because they too joined Hyun Joong and the other younger fans dancing!!

During his recent concert there was even an elder in kimono dancing and cheering for Hyun Joong who really was enjoying the concert. Take note of that because Hyun Joong stopped in front of them as he danced and sing in front of the elders. Can you imagine his grandma fans to be attending Hyun Joong's concert and they truly enjoy his music even the type of music Hyun Joong dance with is for the young generation but the elders do appreciate and truly enjoy as Hyun Joong performs his music.

Seeing this scenario makes me think that Hyun Joong can also break the generation gap among his fan and even among the society in general! Anywhere Hyun Joong performs, his grandma fans are there with him, and this really touch my heart on how he was able to capture the heart of everyone in different ages most specially the elders. And my hat off to them because no matter what the physical ailment they may be having, was never a hindrance to support Hyun Joong's projects and it was never a hindrance to attend to his every concerts and other events whatever it may be for as long as Hyun Joong is with them. Gosh, this guy is really amazing.

I know Hyun Joong sincerely has a soft spot in heart for the elders, since Hyun Joong grew up with his grandma and as she passed away, Hyun Joong was devastated back in time. And so for others who may be reading this article for those who barely know the guy, it's true Hyun Joong has a huge number of elder fans. It may seem unbelievable for a young star who performs rock on stage to have elder fans but in reality he has and they are not just fans, they are huge fans of Kim Hyun Joong.

Many of them are retired professionals and many of them are from the high bracket of society at same time many may be the less fortunate but I have equal respect to them. And that is why I prohibit badmouth and improper language in this blog, because they are my regular subscriber readers. And I do hope this can be applied to other blogs of critics too, if they can not respect the noonas or teenagers, at least consider the elders and the minors too. Nowadays nothing is impossible, let us not under-estimate the elders and the minors, since they too are active internet users.

If we Kim Hyun Joong fans can start being prim and proper not only in this blog but to the critics camp too, then I believe fans of other artists can follow. Kim Hyun Joong has always been the leader, he's always been the first, as others follow, then let take it from there. We can always state our opinion and views without using vulgar words. Let us maintain our credibility being Kim Hyun Joong fans, and it will be easier for others to read from us without causing them heart attack!!

Oh today is Sunday regardless of what religion we belong may I ask for a little prayer for Hyun Joong for his safety, if it's not too much to ask for, since working on an action drama is such a challenge for him and a bit risky. Since we fans can not be there while he shoots, I believe in the magical hands from up there can do it for us. May I just mention, his boss Bae Yong Joon had experienced a painful accident during the filming of Legend, that until now I can still feel the pain every time I watch the clip that he has to take the horse on a back ride in much pain.

I wouldn't want Hyun Joong to experience the same thing. Anything can happen during the filming, we are all helpless and we can only watch Hyun Joong, other than the fact that Hyun Joong, our Hard Headed Star!! had actually experienced a motorcycle accident in 2010. In this action drama City Conquest Baek Mir is a motorbike rider, and that made me think probably one reason why he accepted this drama because Hyun Joong knows he's an excellent rider!! And Mr. Hardheaded here, as we know is an challenge adventure lover!! That's why I appeal for your prayers for his safety. As always, it is in God we trust.

Right from day one as City Conquest was officially confirmed to be Kim Hyun Joong's come back drama, I knew his loving critics will talk again!! I know I should ignore but sometimes it's too much of an insult to Hyun Joong as an actor. I think that blog can only accept bash negative comments and so what can I do but to react through my own blog, which I think is better space to express my thoughts.

Oh well, I'm done with my daily again! Kim Hyun Joong loves adventure challenge and really work hard about it. He's brave facing those risk during filming, but he can't stand the real insects!! But for his fans are brave enough to control the noise of the insects as his critics talk, we kill them with love and kindness!!

LazerKim here writing

Photo credits as tagged, KHJean14 thanks!

  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS 1_11_3  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS 1_7_3   Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS 1_18_4
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كوري جديد
كوري جديد

الفرقه الرجاليه المفضلة : Shinee
الفرقه النسائيه المفضة : 2ne1
البلـــد : مصر
عدد المساهمات : 159
مقدار الون : 375
تاريخ الميلاد : 21/03/1999
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/02/2013
العمر : 25
العمل/الترفيه : طالبه

  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS     Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty4/5/2013, 12:08 am

الموضوع طويل وبالانجليزى انا مش فاهمة هو بيتكلم عن ايه بس على العموم شكرا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

  Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS     Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS Empty6/5/2013, 8:49 pm

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Kim Hyun Joong… [article] TALKING INSECTS
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